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A public hearing will be held by Orange County WCID No. 2 (OCWCID No.2) to provide information and receive comments from the general public on the Environmental Information Document for improvements to the Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements – Contract No. 1 and the Sabine River Outfall Force Main – Contract No. 2 as described below. The purpose of this hearing is to discuss the potential environmental impacts of the improvement project and its alternatives.


Project Description: The purpose of this project is to relocate the District’s point of discharge from its current location in Adams Bayou to the Sabine River.  The project will include modifications to the existing sludge digester unit, abandonment of the existing flow measurement structure and plant effluent line, re-routing of the clarifier effluent, replacing the existing blowers, MCC, standby generator, Cl2 and SO2 equipment and storage containers, RAS/WAS pumps, and the office/lab building.  All new equipment and structures will be relocated to an elevated earthen pad above the flood 100-year flood elevation and the high water level experienced during Hurricane Ike. The project will also provide for the construction of a new force main from the treatment plant to the Sabine River.


Project Costs:  The preliminary estimate of costs for the project is $2,745,206.  The proposed Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements – Contract No. 1 and the Sabine River Outfall Force Main – Contract No. 2 will be funded by the Texas Water Development Board’s (TWDB) Clean Water State Revolving Fund.  The Current monthly sewer rate is $18.15for the first 1000 gallons of usage.


Document Availability:  Copies of the Environmental Information Document will be available for inspection weekdays between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at the Orange County WCID No.2 offices at 2526 Western Avenue, Orange, Texas 77630.  Written comments concerning this project may be sent to Daniel Tatum, Manager, P.O. Box 278, Orange, Texas 77631-0278.


Hearing Date and Location:  The public hearing will be held at 4:15 p.m. on Monday, June 8, 2015, at the Orange County WCID No.2 offices at 2526 Western Avenue, Orange, Texas 77630.

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