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About Us

The District is a self-governing body with an elected board of five members. The District was created
October 12, 1952, after a petition was made to the State Board of Engineers. who then approved a public election to create the District. The District was created under Tide 29, Article 7880. and Sections I through l48z of Vernon's Annotated Statutes. The District is required to operate under Chapter 5l of the Texas Water Code. The Board of Directors held their first meeting on June 22, 1953, and the first bond issue was dated April l, 1954. Additionally, the District is responsible to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (formerly the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. Texas Water Commission, and previously its forerunners) for the sale of potable water and the collection, treatment, and safe discharge of wastewater within the District's boundaries as prescribed in accordance with the Texas Water Code. The District is a primary reporting entity as set forth in the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement Number 14. The District has an elected governing board, is a legally separate entity under the laws of the State of Texas, has complete and discrete financial accountability for its own affairs, is not dependent upon any other body, and has sole authority to hire and fire its employees. Additionally, the District has no component units as defined by GASB 14 referred to above. The District's geographic boundaries coincide with the City of West Orange, Texas but also include small areas that are outside of the City, but contiguous to the City.

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